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Re: Moscow Civic Association

Although I'm not a member of the Moscow Civic Association, at least not yet, 
and although it may be presumptuous of me to offer this thought, here I go 
anyway.  Ben, I don't think anyone who follows messages regarding the MCA on 
this listserve would mistake it for a conservative association.  It, like 
any number of organizations, is comprised of like minded people for the most 
part.  I know several members personally, and would classify them as I 
classify myself.  Liberal.  Yes, the dreaded L-word.  They may welcome your 
presence, but you may  not wish to join, anymore than I would wish to join 
an association of like-minded conservatives, of which there are many......   
                                                           Carl Westberg Jr.

>From: "ben merkle" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Moscow Civic Association
>Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2002 08:51:56 -0800
>I asked the question a bit ago and was wondering if there is an answer yet.
>Does the new Moscow Civic Association have a statement of faith that one
>must subscribe to in order to participate or is the Association open to all
>of the different worldviews represented in our fine town?
>Ben Merkle

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