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FW: Clearwater Fly Casters Meeting Reminders

Subject: FW: Clearwater Fly Casters Meeting Reminders

** Additional reminder of tonight's meeting in Deary on the proposed 
clay mining operation. 

Alchemy Ventures, the company that wants to do clay mining around 
Bovill, will be giving their PR pitch to the communities at 7pm 
Tuesday at the Bovill grade school, and 7pm NEXT tuesday (May 8) at 
the Deary high school. The meetings are sponsored by the Latah County 
Rural Development office (883-7214). The newspaper announcement in 
the weekend Daily News talks only a out the jobs this will provide, 
as did the front page article in the Latah Eagle. There is no mention 
of environmental
impact, or of any plans to minimize it.

This mining operation could seriously degrade both the Potlatch river 
drainage and the Saint Maries drainage.



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