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Re: down with corporate sponsorship?

In a message dated 2/25/01 2:08:16 PM, writes:

>Example: I was a student at BSU when Albertson's gave the library a
>bunch of money. The catch? The library's name is now "Albertson's

Sorry, that have read THE Albertsons (as in the coporate magnate and
his wife), not explicitly funding from the corporation, but the
connotation betwen the name on the building and the company is quite
clear.  >>

Maybe not.  The grocery company, according to the Boise telephone book, is 
"Albertson's Food & Drug."  Perhaps the Corporation donated to the library 
remodel and that is the reason for the apostrophe in the name.  I'm just glad 
to know the little community college got a pretty building to hold their few 

Walter Steed

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