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Re: chambervcommissioners?

In a message dated 1/12/01 4:34:30 PM, writes:

<< I'm discouraged that there seems to be continuous confusion about the 
of  Commerce and the City of Moscow, as would seem to be evident in Walter
Steed's posting. >>

Don't be discouraged as I have no confusion about the difference between the 
CofC and the City of Moscow.  My attempted point was to suggest we are all in 
this together and that to have the CofC Exec. be a County Comm. does not have 
to be the nefarious thing people are suggesting. 

 Actually, I suspect what is bothering those that are bothered is, for some 
reason,  big, bad, BUSINESS.  After all, some of the same persons who are 
upset at this situation suggested boycotting mall businesses for the cutting 
of bushes by their landlord.  Go figure.

Walter Steed

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