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Re: Lewiston Roadless Hearing

Mr. Jones,
    Here are the rules insofar as the liberal ecoterrorists see them:
You are an enemy of the forest if:

1.  You drive a 4-wheel drive vehicle(excluding any Subaru or car-based SUV)
      Note: You may be excluded if you have a "Free Tibet" or "Clinton/Gore"

2.  You enjoy any activity that involves a fossil-fuel burning internal
combustion engine.

3.  If you carry a firearm into the forest, no matter if you're in Grizzly
or heavily  populated cougar country, you are a definate enemy of nature.

4.  If you believe that forests are a sustainable and renewable resource for
wood harvest, even if you agree that some areas should remain roadless, you
are an enemy of the forest.

5.  Politicians and government officials who live thousands of miles away
deserve the right to tell people how to use their land.

6.  This rule is key: No matter how many generations of your family have
lived off of this land, no matter how much you truly appreciate the beauty
of the forests or how much you feel personally connected to the forest, if
you violate any of the above rules, you are an enemy of the forest and have
no right to say how it should be managed.

7.  Roads are bad until one of us falls out of our treehouse and needs to be
rushed to the hospital by ambulance.

8.  Tire tracks in the mud are ugly, but cobbled together pieces of plywood,
bright blue tarps and trash suspended in the trees is okay as long as it's
for the proper cause.

9.  Violence in the form of hunting animals is bad, but violence against
loggers trying to feed their families is okay.

10.  Personal hygiene and a neat and trim appearance is a sure sign that you
are an enemy of the forest.  Note: this last rule may also be waived if you
are an environmental activist lawyer, college professor or other
professional who funds the activities of ecoterrorists.

So there you have it, a somewhat abridged version of the rules of the
roadless issue as seen through the bloodshot eyes of the average roadless
supporter.  This is a somewhat sarcastic and tongue-in-cheek commentary
about roadless proponents, but there are some biting truths in there as

Travis Tonn

Enemy of the Forest
-----Original Message-----
From: Ry Jones <>
To: Joshua W. Burnim <>
Cc: Vision2020 <>
Date: Thursday, June 22, 2000 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: Lewiston Roadless Hearing

>Every time I see email from you, this bugs me:
>> Idaho's Wild Forests Need Your Help!
>> Please support alternative 4.
>> Contact Friends of the Clearwater at 882-9755 or talk to your local
>> protection friend for more information.
>This means everyone who doesn't support Alternative 4 is a Foe of the
>Clearwater, right? Nothing like a little divisivness to kick off
>the day.
>"Everyone who doesn't join my group hates the forests!"
>Some of us like to enjoy the forest in ways other than hiking for days on
>See for an example.
>Ry Jones
>Airgap Networks / Moscow, ID
>208 882 2367 (office) 419 730 2199 (fax)

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