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Picnic for Roadless Areas

This Wednesday, June 14, there will be a Picnic at 6 PM at East City Park in
the covered picnic bench area in Moscow.  It will be Potluck Style. 
Following the food, we will prepare for the public hearing in Orofino on the
weak Forest Service Roadless Plan.  The Orofino hearing is on Tuesday, June
20 from 1-10 PM at the Orofino High School.  There will be a hearing at
Lewiston High School on Tuesday, June 27 also.  Our preparation will

- A review of the Forest Services plan

- The hearing format

- How to write a good speach (3 min speach)

- Points to include in your speach and comments

- Carpool/Van organization
(Departure times: 10 AM, 1 PM, 4 PM, and 5:30 PM)

For more information contact Joshua Burnim at Friends of the Clearwater at

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