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The evil wooden pallets

FYI- I posted my burning pallet questions to a forestry listserve. Here is a
sum of replies so far.

Pallet burning is a problem on the beaches of Oregon and Washington

Pallet burning is problem in the dessert of S. California were OHV is a huge
recreational past time. They suggested a public education program - . Some state parks and beaches are equiping tractors
with a  magneticdiscing implement to remove nails.

The Hardwood Lumber Association, 1998 Symposium estimated 4.5 billion board
feet of hardwood lumber is used in pallet construction out of 13.2 billion
board feet of total U.S. hardwood lumber production including exports.

The recent infestation of the Asian Longhorn Beetle in New York and Chicago
came into the U.S. on infected pallets. This imported pest has become a
major killer of trees in those cities and threatens to expand into forested
areas too. The only way to control the beetle is to cut down the trees. See or  scroll down to
and click on Birder Report.

Cliff Todd
Timberland Recovery
2218 East D St
Moscow, Id  83843
(208) 882-5844
"True wisdom consists in not departing from nature
and in molding our conduct according to her laws & model"
        Seneca (4 B.C.- A.D. 65)

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