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Re: Coyotes

    Porch lights will do little or nothing to disuade a "street smart"
coyote.  While at Ft. Irwin, CA attending National Guard training, several
soldiers reported being awakened by a coyote snatching their MRE from under
their sleeping bag.  Seems that the wiley coyotes had learned what goodies
were contained in an MRE (to a coyote) and became quite adept at stealing
them while soldiers slept.  This was on base and surrounded by lights and
people.  Sounds like it's time for me and my assault rifle to ask permission
from area farmers to hunt coyotes to protect the town's innocent cat
population.  And you thought assault rifles were only good for going on
shooting rampages!

Travis Tonn

-----Original Message-----
From: Teresa Miller <>
To: Laura Griner Hill <>
Cc: Vision 2020 <>
Date: Monday, June 05, 2000 9:05 AM
Subject: RE: Coyotes

>Yes, I'm assuming that he was killed- his hair was all over the place with
>traces of blood- there's no way he lived through all that.
>The Good Samaritan is a retirement home on the East side of town- we live
>right across the street from it.
>I've never had any problems with all 3 of my cats being outside at night
>before- and I've never seen a coyote over there wandering the streets
>before- but now that this has happened (with my cat), I've been hearing
>about sightings in our area.
>Keep your cats in at night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I don't want dinner to be that
>easy for them anymore.  Obiviously they had found dinner a couple houses
>down the night before, and then found it at my house on Thursday night.
>What's sad is that we have a dog, AND our porch lights on (police said to
>keep porch light on to scare them away)- didn't phase this coyote one bit.
>The one I saw last night was standing right under the street light on the
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Laura Griner Hill []
>Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 8:56 AM
>To: Teresa Miller
>Subject: Re: Coyotes
>I don't understand, was your cat killed?  I'm so sorry, if that's
>the case.
>Who is the Good Samaritan?
>Have coyotes traditionally been a problem in town?  We are about to
>move to C Street in Moscow, and I have two cats.  I would have been
>completely unaware of the potential for this problem without your
>post; many thanks.
>TM> I urge anyone who lives in town to
>keep their I Who is the GooTM> don't understanTM> pets I don't unTM>
>inside I don'tTM> at ITM> night. TM> According to the police, cats
>remains were found on "F" Street on Thursday TM> AM, and then I let my
>precious Himilayan stay out Thursday night (unknowing TM> about the
>remains found that AM & he didn't want to spend the night in the TM>
>hot house!).  Next morning, found cat hair all over the neighbors
>yard, and TM> strung all over Good Samaritan's grass on "F" Street.
>TM> All the police can do is set traps...
>TM> To top it all off, about 1AM last night, spotted a coyote pup right in
>TM> of my house last night.
>TM> Teresa Miller
>TM> 2320 East "F" Street
>TM> Moscow
>Laura Griner Hill
>Research Associate
>Fast Track Project
>phone: 615-343-2790

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