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Re: Sue's wonderful KatWorm.Virus still there!

Sue... I also got new virus messages from your stuff... hopefully you have
Norton Antivirus and can get it cleaned. When I tried to submit it to be
analyzed it said they knew about the "trojan horse" virus and there was not
need to submit. Just an interesting piece of info.



----- Original Message -----
From: SMW Scripter [aka MoscowSam] <>
To: Vision2020 <>
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 9:03 PM
Subject: Sue's wonderful KatWorm.Virus still there!

> 9:00 p.m., Monday night, June 5, 2000
> To: Sue Hovey in particular and to V2020ers also ...
> Sue ...
> I just opened both of yours this evening, including the
> one in which you said it had a worm the first time, AND ...
> I got the BIG RED virus alert from my Norton Antivirus
> software!!!!!
> So, I chose, DELETE.
> I have no idea what it does to one's own machine or if
> I have it on either of my two office machines or on my
> desktop machine here at home.  Now, I'm using my notebook
> computer as I have a cold brew after spending two long
> hours grooming my front lawns.
> So, folks, Sue can't seem to rid her computer of
> KakWorm.Virus, as Norton Antivirus identifies us.
> Mesbah ... You are the expert on this list.  What advice
> can you offer beside give up on using Outlook Express,
> and instead use Pegasus or something else, as our mutual
> friend, Ken G, suggested to me earlier today.
> MoscowSam, I am
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Sam MW Scripter, Moscow, IDaho, USA       (AKA MoscowSam)
>         WalkerSam, RiderSam, GeoSam, PiperSam ...
>            MoscowSam, SamTheHam, Sam I am !!!!
> ---------------------------------------------------------

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