Re: Shed some light....heat will follow

Re: Shed some light....heat will follow

Dale Goble (
Tue, 19 May 1998 07:14:04 -0700 (PDT)

On Tue, 19 May 1998 wrote:

> In reading through the archives of just one month ago I noticed
> something I found interesting.....when everyone was up in arms about the
> so-called rumor regarding the MPD and jumping down the throat of the one
> who initiated the question, they completely ignored "Idaho Connolly" and
> the statement she made....that cover-ups occur in the police department
> and that the citizens of this county are the last to know. Why are you
> all so afraid to question this statement made by one who claims to be in
> the know? Isn't there one other person out there that finds this
> completely unacceptable behavior?

It is difficult to respond in any way that is meaningful to statements
that are devoid of facts. A statement that coverups occur is useless
without providing examples -- particularly when they come from people who
are unwilling to sign their names to their postings.

If you have concrete instances of wrongdoing, I am sure that the members
of this list will be interested. If you merely wish to vent hostility or
make unsupported, generalized accusations against officials, you should
not expect responses.

Dale Goble

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