Re: Onward Recycling Soldiers

Briana LeClaire (
Thu, 23 Apr 1998 07:46:02 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Jo --

Of course there are higher values than capitalism. That's why I'm a
Christian (and my neighbor's a Jew, and the family down the street is
Moslem, etc. etc. etc.) It's just that recycling, in and of itself,
ain't one of 'em. Rather, shouldn't be -- my point was that nowadays
it is. E.g. the vehement responses I get whenever I bring up this
subject -- I'd call that religious fervor, wouldn't you?

I don't know about the Republican PARTY, at least in its current
incarnation, but one of my "Republican values" is indeed thrift. The
more I reduce and reuse, the less I have to recycle &/or throw away,
and that makes sense in my pocketbook. And yes, I'm in favor of
litter-free streets (I don't remember the littered roads of the
sixties, by the way. Hint, hint.)

RECYCLING, that is: bundling the newspapers and loading them into my
car and burning the fossil fuels necessary to take them down the the
recycling center and putting them in the right bin -- THAT is what
should be cost-effective or else, in my humble opinion, it is a grand
waste of time. Friends can disagree on this!

As for Nancy-forwarding-for-David: if you understand what I'm saying
here, write again. If not . . . well, you'll probably write again

Best wishes,


---Jo Williams wrote:
> Briana,
> Have to admit, Amazing Grace is a bit much. But let me ask you this;
> Does everything have to be cost effective? This country practices
> capitalism, but our country wasn't founded on and doesn't guarantee
> one economic system. There are some things that aren't cost
> like saving/recycling finite resources (in case we ever really need
> for emergencies.....).
> When I take my cans/papers into Moscow's recycling center, I don't
do it
> for the bucks, and the center wasn't started on that ideal- have you
> forgotten the littered highways, roads, city streets of the early
> and seventies.... sure, breaking even and making a profit would be
> but there are other things in life besides profits-- thought that
was one
> of the main messages of the Republican Party; old fashioned
values-- like
> savings/thrift??
> Russia had to admit to the failure of their excessive
interpretations of
> communism; sometimes I think we need to examine the 'success' of
> capitalism- and the values we trade for it. Jo Williams

:-) Briana

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