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Free Speech Forum and March for Human Rights...

...right on, Bill:

And it is so appropriate that the March is rallying and marching from 
the ROTC building, since it and others like it on land-grant campuses 
all over this land provided the trained "from the people" officers who 
commanded and led the men and women who ensured that you could make a 
march like this.  They shed their blood to keep you free.

"For those who have served, freedom has a taste---and a price---that 
the protected will never know." (Found written on a piece of C-Rat box 
cardboard, and nailed to a tree outside a firebase near Khe Sahn, RVN, 

Don Kaag
Teacher, MHS
(...and former Marine)

> Join millions of citizens throughout the nation on Dec. 10th
> and participate in a Free Speech Forum and March for
> human rights, beginning at the ROTC building on the U. of I.
> campus and ending at the Federal Building.
> Where: ROTC Building on the U of I Campus to Federal Bldg.
> When:  2:00 pm, Tuesday, December 10th
> For more information call the anti-Imperialist Collective (883-4451)
> or the Justice Alliance (883-2681)

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