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RE: Unalienable Rights...

Greetings Visionaires -

I strongly agree that selection of the ROTC building as a rallying/starting 
point for the march was ill-conceived at best.  I seriously doubt that there 
will be any support forthcoming from the ROTC building.  The most the marchers 
can hope for at the ROTC building is a small verbal skirmish (and that is even 
doubtful).  The Poli-Sci building would be a decent selection.  However, to 
make a real statement, nothing beats the Admin Building.  It worked in the 60s 
and it can work now.  Simply start at the steps of the Admin Building and march 
to the Fed building (using all the major thoroughfares).  I assume that the 
purpose of this march is to get noticed and make a statement.  

Just a suggestion (although you will not see me supporting such a march).

Tom Hansen

> Mr. Nagy writes:
> "Folks, isn't it about balance?"
> Assuming that is true (and some good points are  made), the fact remains
> that the march starts from the ROTC building. If we all appreciate, what
> those in the military do for us--in theory, rightfully used at least--why is
> the march starting there?
> Why not start it at the PolySci building or the philosophy building?  The
> straw men conservatives are guilty of wanting to circumvent constitutional
> processes to, for no particular reason, go to another land and start doing
> damage--as well as taking away our rights.   In contrast the straw men
> liberals (not all) want to neglect or circumvent the legitimate processes of
> national self-defense and/or "just wars" to never fight again anywhere,
> ever--as well as taking away all the rights the conservatives want to keep.
> Sounds like a worldview issue to me, not a military issue--a world view
> issue complicated by the fact that few fit the straw man description
> exactly.
> I doubt  it is an accident of location that the march is starting at the
> ROTC building, and that is what started this discussion.  Based on this
> discussion, are the organizers willing to move the start of the march?  Then
> perhaps we can discuss, whether the federal building is the appropriate end
> for the march, as well.
> On a slight side note: I would also like to that those reading this list who
> have served us in the military for the time and sacrifices you made for us.
> David Douglas

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