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Re: New kid in town

Sean writes:

"Would visionaries say it is possible to:
- hate someone whose actions/view you tolerate/are tolerant of?
- love someone whose actions/view you do not tolerate/are not tolerant of?"
Hi Sean,
It seems to me that both of these things are not only possible, they're commonplace.  I'm a fan of Ted Kennedy's politics though his person makes me queasy.  Likewise, I love my grandmother even though she voted for Jesse Helms every single time he ran.
Tolerance does not mean allowing everyone to run unchecked, unfettered, and amok.  Doormats are not tolerant; they're doormats.  I'll defend anyone's right to hold and express an opinion, but, as Brian Jay so aptly put it, I also reserve the right to say that some ideas nutty. 
Diversity is a thing beyond tolerance--it's the recognition that here we all are, and here we all have a right to be.  The world is not yet a gated community and, like it or lump it, we are all created equal.  As for how we're governed, I favor democracy plus checks and balances.  Two hundred twenty-six years and counting and the United States has yet to implode.  We can fight these issues out in the voting booth, and at regular intervals, try, try again.
Now, as my entire family has either strep throat or the chickenpox, I'm signing off to return to nursing.  Good night, visionaries, and sweet dreams of Sucrets and Caladryl.
Auntie E/Joan Opyr

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