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Re: Party association in Moscow

Thanks, my concern is the day that restorative justice is viewed as property of any political party, social group , etc. we risk losing the healing power of this paradigm. This is already a huge issue in some communities outside of Idaho. No one will smile more than me if this is never a partisan issue in Moscow. We are beginning to hear from candidates in other communities that want to base a major part of their future campaign around restorative justice philosophies. Time will tell how well that will work but it makes some (me) very nervous.
-------Original Message-------
Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 11:25:18
Subject: Party association in Moscow
Mr. Brown,
I do not believe that one needs to be Republican, or a member of any particular party, group, social class, etc, to be heard or have access to the city council.  I believe, while I was not there, that the comment was made to show the "diversity" of MER, and that it was not just a group of liberals but made up of liberals, conservatives, libertarians, etc who were concerned about the ordinance.  While the ordinance was a big deal this summer, and these type of issues arise from time to time in Moscow, it is not representative of life here.  Also, the comment of the speaker, while it may stand out to you, is not representative either. 
I come from a very small town a couple hundred miles south of here, and I can assure you that Moscow is one of the most liberal communities in this state.  However, I believe that you will make progress in all Idaho communities and that political party, etc will not make a difference.  The people in the communities I have lived in and visited throughout the state seem genuinely interested in improving the quality of life in their communities and overall interested in a fair and equal justice.  I believe that you will need to show the benefits to the communities involved and once you convince the people of the benefits, you will find great success. 
I am not a registered member of any political party, and do not plan to register at all.  I am interested in a justice that is fair and effective.  Unfortunately I have had no time to look at your website or respond to your questions, but I am interested in learning more.  I did want to take the time to reassure you that membership to a political party is not required to influence or impact our city officials or community members in general.
Devin Cole
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