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DISCUSSION/Iraq and energy

Dear visionaries,

I believe a fundamental flaw in analyzing America's foreign policy in the Middle East (or anywhere else) is that we persist in speaking as though the "two sides" represented are limited to the Mutt and Jeff of our two party system. The real issue of substantive debate in foreign policy is between the imperialists and the non-imperialists. We have left America's republic phase and are now entering imperium. The left and right wing debate whether this thing should be painted nationalist red, white and blue or just a globalist powder blue. But that is an intramural discussion between those who want the empire to look this way as opposed to that way.

As the pseudo-debate rages, always remember that while America is a good place to live, filled with blessings from God, there are a number of us who believe that at bottom we are just another nation. We do not believe that America is the gospel.



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