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Re: DISCUSSION:Teacher shortage

> Oct 4, 2002
> Not needed: two million new teachers

An excellent perspective.

Now, can we find a coherent approach to another devastating problem
afflicting our public schools?  To wit: the inane and contradictory
plethora of laws and regulations of recent decades which have almost
eliminated discipline. 

Maybe we should shift the age of mandatory enrollment down to 12, and let
only those students who qualify as achievers continue to attend school. 
That way, schools would not have to cope with the poisonous attitudes
that can permeate an entire class.  I expect 99% of current students
would still attend school, but they would do so with a better attitude.

Of course, government would also have to adjust some child labor laws. 
But I'm dreaming again.

Bob Probasco
  Robert Probasco

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