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RE: DISCUSSION:Teacher shortage

Robert wrote:

> Now, can we find a coherent approach to another devastating 
> problem afflicting our public schools?  To wit: the inane and 
> contradictory plethora of laws and regulations of recent 
> decades which have almost eliminated discipline. 
> Maybe we should shift the age of mandatory enrollment down to 
> 12, and let only those students who qualify as achievers 
> continue to attend school. 
> That way, schools would not have to cope with the poisonous 
> attitudes that can permeate an entire class.  I expect 99% of 
> current students would still attend school, but they would do 
> so with a better attitude.

In the town where I grew up, we had a VoTech school. It was geared for
those who were *not* going to college but were looking for vocational

In Europe, you typically have two different sets of high schools: a
VoTech high school and a college-prep high school. 

In the USA we have one public school -- all VoTech. 

Dale Courtney
Moscow, Idaho
Free to be me, free to be you (as long as you agree with Tom Hansen...)

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