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Previously, Douglas Stambler wrote:
Do you all want to know the REAL story behind the topless car wash?  Here it is:

This is a most curious, and bizarre set of premises and allegations. As the ladies involved with the carwash are not here to comment directly, I'd like to ask a few questions.  The first being, where did you come up with these notions? 

The first carwash was held a block from my apartment. Through actual conversations with the ladies involved I found them to be raising money for rent at the Spotswood property. When asked about their motives for the Home street carwashes, those were pretty much in the same vein: making money to pay bills (cell phone, power, etc.). Your allegations of drug use are pretty interesting, and I'd be curious what proof you have of these activities.

The rest of the statements seem to be designed to establish that the Clift family is culpable for the activities of their tenants, and the Moscow PD is involved in a naughty conspiracy surrounding the so-called Home street "Drug Den".  It's interesting to wonder where you came to these conclusions, though I might surmise that chemicals of a different nature may have been involved. Purely an opinion on my own part, you see, not a libelous collection of rants against people who no longer live here. 

Thank you for your opinions, they are interesting to say the least. However, mark me down as having no confidence in you as a "Latah county consultant".

David Camden-Britton  -=)*(=-

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