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Re: Is This Tolerance and Our Kickin' Sitchyashun

Contrary to Mr. Capener's assertion, I am not miffed that tolerance is not an absolute. It is the progressive crowd that, up until recently, appeared to treat it that way. But something like tolerance cannot be absolute. The cry of "tolerance!" has to followed up with the question, "of what?" The consistent and pervasive liberal answer has been, "of those different than you." I just wanted to know what that meant in light of the intolerance of the intolerant shown by the Sandpoint restaurant patrons.
Now that we know that even liberal tolerance is not an absolute, where are the lines to be drawn? Some have defended the patrons' use of their right of free speech, or said they would exercise their right of free association and leave. Melynda would call the cops, since having outstanding DUI  charges falls on the far side of where she draws her tolerance line.
And why do the restaurant owner's customers get to be intolerant, but he doesn't? Some have gone running to the statute books to try to answer this, and express surprise that one of the lawyers has not chimed in, as if the enactments of the legislature and the judgments of the courts are your sacred text and lawyers are its priesthood. I don't look at the law that way, and I doubt you do either. If the statutes against discrimination said that aryans, gays and progressives were excepted, it would have ceased to be your standard yesterday. Where is the standard? Why are y'all so comfortable with this play-doh standard of tolerance and civil rights?
Gregory C. Dickison
Lawyer & Counselor at Law
Post Office Box 8846
312 South Main Street
Moscow, Idaho 83843
(208) 882-4009

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