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RE: free enterprise

-----Original Message-----
From: Ted Moffett []
>These two examples comparing free speech with the freedom of a restaurant
>owner to do as he pleases with his restaurant are legally very different

While I agree it is treated differently legally I approach this from a
different viewpoint and come to a different conclusion.  I agree that it is
bigoted to refuse service simply because the potential customer is
gay/lesbian/transsexual/whatever.  However, I am opposed to using the force
of law to remedy this.  If one is to insist it is legitimate government
business to force a business to serve a particular class of person then when
the political winds change it would be legitimate for government to force a
business to NOT serve a particular class of person.  You can't have it both
ways.  Either the government can tell you what you can do with your private
property or it can't.  You might claim that in the present case the
government is 'doing good'.  But a decade of now it is quite conceivable
that 'doing good' might mean repression of
'deviants/degenerates/perverts/whatever'.  When you give the government the
power to 'do good' you give it the power to do evil.

But what to do about the bigots of today?  The free market and free speech.
But please, please, don't give the government the power that, in the future,
almost for certain will be abused.  I can deal with a bigoted business, no
matter how big and monopolistic it is, far easier than I can a tyrannical
government with it's 'infinite' supply of thugs with guns.

---- (Cell phone text message 110 chars max)

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