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RE: YOUR Chance to Support Equal Rights in Moscow


My understanding is that MPD has confirmed that they are in the "educational
phase" of enforcement, and enforcement consists of approaching those they
feel are in violation, informing them that is the case, and asking them to
"cover up".  What they officially consider to be in violation was not part
of the information I saw on this list.

My objection is the use of an unverified story regarding MPD enforcement,
described as "blood chilling", as support for adding signatures to get a
referendum vote.  I am not commenting on the validity of the ordinance, one
way or the other.  I am merely stating that the focus should remain on the
ordinance, rather than shifting to the MPD, especially upon the evidence

I believe that the more appropriate course of action would be to contact the
MPD, get their official interpretation, and if appropriate, use that to
gather support for the referendum.  The "chilling" story about the MPD was
an appeal to emotion, rather than a logical arguement based upon verified

If there was no attempt to "villify" the department, then I apologize to
anybody who may have been offended.


Devin Cole

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