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RE: YOUR Chance to Support Equal Rights in Moscow

Devin and others,
I don't believe the intent was to vilify our MPD.  The point is that 
there are serious concerns about the vagueness of the ordinance 
language and its intended enforcement.  One of those concerns, as 
relayed in the email in question, is that it supposedly does not 
regulate breast cleavage, but individuals are reportedly (which I 
believe is now verified with MPD) being warned about over-exposure 
of same.

On several occasions, requests have been made for a clear 
interpretation of the ordinance and how it will be enforced.  Our city 
council, mayor, city attorney, and MPD have chosen not to 
respond concerning the specifics.  The response from the council 
early on was that they did not intend it to be enforced.  
....then one might ask, why enact it?   ...there really were other 
ways to shut down the car wash, if that was their primary intent.
-Karri Fedale

Date sent:      	Sat, 14 Sep 2002 11:36:34 -0700
From:           	"Devin Cole" <>
To:             	<>
Subject:        	RE: YOUR Chance to Support Equal Rights in Moscow 

Tom Hansen wrote:

"Whether or not Ordinance 2002-13 would have passed a popular vote in
Moscow, it did pass the city council vote.  Once that happens, it is the
duty of the police to enforce this ordinance.  Whether or not I support the
ordinance, I understand that MPD has a job to do to enforce the ordinances
that are on the books."

I believe that it is irresponsible to villify the MPD for doing their job.
It is also irresponsible to imply that they are incompetant merely upon
second or third hand information.  If indeed, an individual has a legitemate
complaint regarding the actions of a member of MPD, there is recourse

I understand criticism of the ordinance, but villifying our police
department to garner support for putting the ordinance to a popular vote is
a tactic that lacks vision.

Devin Cole

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Hansen []
Sent: Saturday, September 14, 2002 7:06 AM
To: Debbie Gray; Saundra Lund
Cc: 'Muscovites for Equal Rights';
Subject: RE: YOUR Chance to Support Equal Rights in Moscow

Greetings Visionaires -

Debbie Gray stated:

>Police ENFORCE the laws that other
> people MAKE. People often lose sight of that fact.

This is very true, Ms. Gray.  But, in the case of Moscow Ordinance 2002-13,
City Council (the "other people" in your statement) has created a law
without a majority consent of the governed.  And we haven't lost sight of
that fact.

Free to be you and me,

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.

- Author Unknown

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