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Edmund Burke

Morning visionaries,

As you may have surmised, I have no problem posting things that progressives find distressing to their tidy and very narrow worldview. This is not hard to do when dealing with fundamentalists who have no fundament. But I do not do it for the sake of being offensive -- the point is always to point to the permanent things. The point about Edmund Burke may have seemed like a quibble to some, but it was a serious one. Of course we all quote one another in debate, but quotations like these carry an implied approbation, and I thought we should all realize what Edmund Burke would have said about those arguments (!) which said that making women keep their tops on was a violation of civil rights because men didn't have to. In an earlier exchange, I was exhorted with religious fervor to read the U.S. Constitution instead of waiting (as I apparently had been) for the movie. A delightful thought experiment occurs to me -- trying to explain to James Madison that mandatory tops for women was unconstitutional. I like to imagine our former president's eyes getting as big as saucer plates.

At the same time, I have no desire whatever to upset people over things like subject headings and failure to put one's name at the bottom of the post. With regard to the changes in subject headings, I like to think of it in evolutionary terms -- letting arguments grow and evolve out of the Cambrian strata and into other exciting and progressive directions.

Lead us, Evolution, lead us
        Up the future's endless stair;
Chop us, change us, prod us, weed us.
        For stagnation is despair;
Groping, guessing, yet progressing,
        Lead us nobody knows where.

                                C.S. Lewis

With regard to the name at the bottom, I am now resolved to behave myself.

Douglas Wilson

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