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RE: On criticism

Mr. Curley wrote:
"Those of you on this listserve who wonder if anyone 
would want to hear from you--and especially  if you think 
you don't spell well--please don't take Mr. Gibbs' criticism 
of Mr. Davis to heart.  I would like to hear from you.  I 
(and I believe most of the rest of us) won't be put off if you 
misspell something or complete a grammatically-
challenged sentence.  We'll pay attention and respond to 
the content.
Someone on the list earlier apologized for his or her petty 
criticism of  a writer who made an "imply/infer" error.  I 
had hoped the lesson would be taken to heart by others, 
but apparently not by everyone.
Please join the discussion regardless of your grammar 
and spelling skill levels."

I'd like to *thank* Mr. Curley for his post, which I'm including in it's
entirety because I think it's important.

I absolutely agree with his sentiments, and I, too, am interested in
hearing what all members of our community have to share, regardless of
spelling & grammar, as long as there is respect.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, which is good, or I might believe there
are some here who are attempting to stifle communication through
intimidation  ;-)

Saundra Lund
Moscow, Idaho

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to
do nothing.
Edmund Burke

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