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census figures

  Folks, as promised, I have compiled the just released Census data on
school enrollment (and links to the numbers). In a quick minute or two,
I fashioned two comparable graphs. (This involved math, so review

  While gathering information for the 2000 Census, the counting bureau
grouped enrollment by gender, race and several grade levels — nursery
school/preschool, kindergarten, 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, undergraduate,
  Unfortunately, the 1990 Census does not provide all of the same
group-specific data. If it had, folks there might be able to figure out
just where the students are moving in and out of public or private
schools. Planners might also be able to track the racial mix in Moscow,
dreadful, I am afraid, but perhaps getting better? The raw numbers also
do not reveal if students entering private schools are transferring from
Moscow public schools or whether they are moving to Moscow and
immediately enrolling in private schools.

  What the numbers do reveal is that Moscow's school age population (3
and older) grew by 2,783 over the past decade. Over the same period,
K-12 public ed grew by 27 students and K-12 private ed grew by 215. (the
rest are going to preschool or college)
   In 1990 private-school students made up 12.7 percent of Moscow's
total K-12 enrollment. In 2000, they made up 20 percent.

   I will leave that to the pundits.

   cheers, and happy debating, greg burton

2000 Moscow Idaho school enrollment (persons 3 years and older)
  Total population 21,207  (all ages)
  Total school-age population, 20,598 (3 and older)
  Not enrolled in school, 9,537
Total enrolled in school — 11,061

Nursery, preschool
   public                                         82
   private                                      164
Elementary or high school
   public                                     1,965
   private                                       498
   percentage K-12 in private          20 percent
college, graduate, professional
   public                                        8098
   private                                          254

1990 Moscow, Idaho school enrollment (persons 3 and older)
  Total population — 18,519 (all ages)
  Total school-age population (3 and older) 17,815
  Not enrolled in school — 7,789.
    public                                      128
    private                                     179
Elementary or high school
   public                                     1,938
   private                                       283
   percentage K-12 in private        12.7 percent
Enrolled in college
   public                                      7,398
   private                                        100

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