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Re: Theological Attack On Public Schools

Interesting that "government" schools are now "pagan" schools. As Pagan means not Christian, Jewish, or Muslim, and comes from the Latin paganus for country dweller, I guess that would be me. However, I have not noticed that the public school system teaches MY spiritual belief system or even recognizes it as a system. I'm not bothered by this in the least, as my beliefs are not threatened but rather are enhanced by information about the religious experience of others. There seems to be a great deal more attention paid in public schools to the non-pagan religious systems (and the power and control they have historically exerted) than on "paganism". Maybe Dale Courtney's rhetoric got away from him? This label simply doesn't hold enough power to get a rise out of most people, so perhaps he should go back to "modernity" (she said with a shudder...).
Debi Robinson-Smith

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