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Re: Ringing defense

Doug Wilson writes:

So if you have a problem with what is happening, talk to the people who are 
pitching kids out the windows, and not the people who have organized to 
catch them.

Well, maybe we're looking at different windows.  When the private religious 
schools of Moscow (you might call them "for-profit church 
schools")defenestrate children with disabilities, children whose parents 
can't afford to pay tuition, children who are 
gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered, children who don't pass the doctrinal 
tests established by for-profit owners, and children who aren't compliant 
enough, it's the public schools which are there to catch them.

Let's not pretend that every child not attending a public school in Moscow 
is enrolled in a for-profit church school: there are more choices than 
Faithful Remnant Academy v. Godless Juggernaut High. Some kids(from a wide 
variety of ideological motivations) are being home-schooled--often with 
dual-enrollment so they can get the best or most useful offerings from the 
public school of their choice.  Some are leaving town, or the state, as 
their parents look for work that pays enough to survive.  More than 200 are 
going to Moscow's two public charter schools:  small, educationally 
innovative public school alternatives.

Of course, the argument's moot.  The handful of local folks who'd like to 
abolish public schools on the way to revoking women's suffrage, 
re-establishing indentured servitude, and crowning their own Rushdoony-style 
Old Testament theocrat are unlikely to persuade large enough numbers to 
agree with them to make much of a dent on constitutional democracy.  Makes 
for lively discussion, though--kinda like reading a Dr. Bronner's Soap 

Melynda Huskey

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