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Moscow Continues to Make "News"

Forward for me, please:

Terry Mattingly, a syndicated columnist on religion for Scripps Howard, has
added his two cents worth to our local conversation.  Mattingley must have a
mole here in Moscow, since he lives in West Palm Beach, FL, and hasn't had
much to say about previous city ordinances:  he is, however, a "senior
fellow for journalism at the Council for Christian Colleges and
Universities," which might help connect the dots.

I especially like the idea that the University of Idaho "dominates"
anything--Mattingly hasn't been watching the *state* news very carefully, or
he'd know that UI, like the rest of public education in Idaho, is twisting
in the wind, poised to prove just how much money *does* matter when it comes
to education.

Melynda Huskey


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