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T-Shirt Website

Greetings Visionaires -

The other day I was trying to develop a counter-argument against the new
ordinance.  One question kept coming to mind.  Is there a city in the United
States that willingly and openly displays female breasts at any time during
the year?  The answer came to me as fast as the question.  Mardi Gras in New
Orleans.  So, I browsed around some Mardi Gras websites and came across some
very interesting material.

For instance:

This website is out of New Orleans.  It is a business that sells Mardi Gras
paraphernalia.  Among these wide ranging items are "Jesus Loves Tits"
t-shirts.  I do believe that I found an item that reflects on both the left
and right extremes of this political rainbow.  I also realize that this may
result in some very heated e-mail responses.

God Bless the First Amendment,

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.

- Author Unknown

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