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Word "Opaque" in Nudity Ordinance Poor Choice


If I have read the nudity ordinance correctly, it requires an "opaque" 
covering over the parts of the female breast that are restricted.  "Opaque" 
means to be "impenetrable to light."  With all the effort that went into 
drafting this ordinance, I find it odd that such a poor choice of wording 
was utilized!  Many common items of clothing worn on the upper body are not 
"opaque," insofar as they let some light through, and even allow some degree 
of ability to distinguish what is underneath.  In fact, many women's 
fashions these days are becoming rather revealing of what is underneath!  
"Opaque" is to be distinguished from "translucent" and "transparent."  We 
know what transparent means.  "Translucent," which means allowing light to 
pass through but not in a manner that allows objects to be distinguished, 
seems the best choice of a word for the ordinance, given it's intention.  If 
the word "opaque" is applied in enforcement according to the meaning of the 
word, there are clearly going to be major problems.  On the other hand, 
gathering from the discussions about this ordinance, it seems the ordinance 
is not meant to be enforced according to how it is written, but according to 
the interpretations of law enforcement.  Let us hope they don't read 
dictionaries, or a member of law enforcement may decide that that 
semi-transparent blouse is illegal!  According to the ordinance, it is!!!!!


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