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Erotic retardation saga

Dear visionaries,

Does anyone know why some of my posts come back and show up on computer, 
while others appear to be going to all the others (judging from the fact 
that they respond to them) but I don't see them? Does this happen to anyone 

Debi Robinson-Smith writes:
So, again Mr. Wilson is placing the responsibility for men's behavior on 
women? Sorry, that dog won't hunt...This is antiquated thinking (she wrote 
at the risk of yet again being called a "modernist").
	Actually, the antiquated concept I had in mind was not that women are 
responsible for men's behavior. I was calling for mutual courtesy and 
cooperation between the sexes. Manners. That kind of thing. From both 
sexes. And I will lay off the modernist charge for a while, but I do wish 
that common courtesy was more common in these, um, non-antiquated days.

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