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Re: Erotic Retardation II

Dear Doug,

It seems to me that you're drawing the wrong conclusion from your travels, or 
perhaps you traveled in a different world?  Last time I checked, Europe and 
Scandinavia, where nudity is not an issue, had also developed some of the 
world's most advanced hygenic and home technologies (including the bidet, 
which you rarely find in U.S. homes).  My observations suggest that it's very 
poor countries--often fundamentalist regimes of various kinds--that have poor 
facilities for personal hygiene and women who are hidden from public view.

I also don't think it's living charitably in community with others to imply 
that the rest of the world is full of stinky idiots who can't figure out how 
to heat their homes.  

I was puzzled yesterday by Ben Merkle's use of the word Trinitarian but 
presumed that it must have reference to some private meaning of the word.  
Apparently not.  You know, any number of us acknowledge and believe in the 
Christian doctrine of the Trinity who don't agree with you about this city 
ordinance, and I protest very strongly against your apparent assumption that 
you can decide who is a Trinitarian based on whether or not they agree with 
you about this matter.  You don't own the Trinity, Doug.

You've said that it's a boring and ugly world in which women are not 
primarily erotic objects.   Ask the women in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia how 
thrilling and beautiful it is to be regarded always as erotic objects.  There 
can be no uglier or more mind-numbingly tedious world *for women* than one in 
which their erotic and reproductive  potential is the primary dimension of 
their existence.  

Melynda Huskey

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