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Re: Vision for 2020?

In the year 2020 (sounds like a song I know...):

1. I would like to see Moscow flex it's strength as the 'county seat' and
reach out to the surrounding communities that don't have such a thriving
downtown or as many opportunities as we do. Perhaps it's time to spread
some of our 'wealth' (social, economic, philosophical, neighborliness,
whatever). I have lots of vague ideas but nothing concrete yet. Basically
it is very depressing to leave Moscow and drive to Bovill and see the
ever-worsening small town decay the farther you get (ie. Troy isn't too
bad, then Deary, then Helmer and then wham Bovill...). But how to help?
Not sure. I guess you could say Bovill has a thriving downtown with it's
three (!) bars, but that's not quite what I'm after...

2. Strengthening schools. Public, private, charter, whatever... it's sad
to see a university town layoff teachers and enlarge classrooms. It's not
just a Moscow thing, obviously, but it's very discouraging to see it
happen even in a fairly liberal, somewhat progressive town.

3. I hope to see the Latah Trail become a huge connected trail with all
the little abandoned branchlines throughout the county and surrounding
counties, wouldn't that be wonderful?

4. It's only 18 years! My newborn daughter will be 18 and starting off to
college or whatever, very hard to imagine but I know it will be here in a
flash. What will happen worldwide, nationwide, statewide during that time
to influence our little patch of the earth? Who could have predicted the
enormous impacts that have happened in less than one year?

5. And in those 18 years... maybe the city could see fit to do SOMETHING
with the Almon/Asbury park on Residence Street (near and dear to my
family). It's a mess, filled w/cigarette butts, beer bottles, other
garbage, and posted with laminated signs regarding recent dog poisonings.
Often used as a school break by local students, it's awful and really not
inviting to take my 4 yr old and 2 month old even though it is 1/2 block
away. It's a lost/forgotten park.

Debbie Gray

  Debbie Gray
  We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to
  have the life that is waiting for us." --Joseph Campbell

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