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Re: virus warning

A V2020 subscriber seems to be infected with the KLEZ worm virus.  That would
explain the odd emails floating between V2020 subscribers.
    As you can read in the message below from Bill Moore, First Step
Techo-wizard, the infected person would not know about the infection unless they
tested their computer with anti-virus software.  BL

Bill Moore wrote:

> You are most likely seeing the results of the KLEZ worm running
> on someone else's machine.  My tech guys are better at explaining
> this, but i'll give it a shot.  Assume userA's computer is already
> infected with KLEZ.  The worm will read user A's address book and
> choose two different, random email addresses from the address book,
> call them userB and userC.  The worm then prepares an email message
> that appears to be From: userB and is addressed To: userC.  The subject
> is a random string usually (i think) gleaned from some email message.
> The worm then attaches itself to that email message and sends the email.
> userC will receive an email message ostensibly from userB with a credible
> seeming subject.  Because userC will often know who userB is, the message
> has some sense of credibility.  If userC then opens the attachment and it
> isn't detected by an antivirus protection program, then userC becomes a
> propogater of the virus.  For more information, see the web site at:

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