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RE: Wilson's Kid on Government Schools

> > I said that the *responsibility* lies with the parents to educate
> > children, not with the state. If the parents want to send their 
> > children to government schools, they may.
> Well I would argue that when the bible says the parents have 
> the responsibility to educate their children, it could be 
> interpreted to mean the elder generation has the 
> responsibility to educate the younger generation.  

Uh, er, no. Parent is not equivalent with elder generation. You have no
authority over my children -- none, nada -- unless you shift
jurisdictions (e.g., you are a policeman and they are in violation of
the law). 

> This would 
> then mean regardless if you had children or not, you should 
> still contribute.  

Only in a socialist worldview -- and you are being consistent.

However, we're not in a socialist society -- at least not one

> Then there is the "brother's keeper" bit 
> at the beginning, helping your brother (and sister) in Christ 
> would include helping to educate them.  

There is a moral requirement; but there's no legal requirement.

I'll be clearer -- Christ's command is to share willingly; the
socialists' command is to take forcefully.

> And so the state, 
> being and extention of family (as everyone is family in 
> Christ) would them be responsible for providing education.

Does not follow -- especially in a constitutional republic founded and
adhering to capitalism.

> > I'm glad you are being consistent with your worldview and 
> > presuppositions. So am I.
> >
> > The difference is, Marxism has been demonstrated to be an abysmal 
> > failure because it denies everything about the mannishness of man.
> No it hasn't.  It hasn't been demonstrated at all.  The 
> Soviet Union and China (and others) were not marxist states.  
> Communism has never existed.

This list is not the place to debate the inherent weakness and
wickedness of Marxist/Leninist economics and Biblical/Christian
economics. But for anyone who cares, 

1. Ludwig von Mises decades ago outlined the central flaw in socialism:
centralized control. Socialism can never work because it is an economic
system that makes economic calculation impossible. And because economic
calculation is impossible, socialism turns out to be an economic system
that makes rational economic activity impossible. We've seen this in
spades in the fall of the USSR and the current activities in China.

2. Marxism/Leninism has a wrong-headed understanding of human nature --
thinking that man is inherently good and will flourish in a "positive"
society. The biblical ethics holds that man is fallen, basically bad,
and in need of a savior. The whole meaning of Christian baptism is to
acknowledge our sinfulness and the need for a Savior and Redeemer.  

3. In a Marxist/Leninist worldview, no one owns anything; there is no
private property. In the Christian worldview, God has commanded us "thou
shalt not steal" (8th commandment) because private property *is* part of
God's economy in the world. 


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