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RE: Wilson's Kid on Government Schools

> I said that the *responsibility* lies with the parents to educate the
> children, not with the state. If the parents want to send their children
> to government schools, they may.

Well I would argue that when the bible says the parents have the
responsibility to educate their children, it could be interpreted to mean
the elder generation has the responsibility to educate the younger
generation.  This would then mean regardless if you had children or not,
you should still contribute.  Then there is the "brother's keeper" bit at
the beginning, helping your brother (and sister) in Christ would include
helping to educate them.  And so the state, being and extention of family
(as everyone is family in Christ) would them be responsible for providing

> I'm glad you are being consistent with your worldview and
> presuppositions. So am I.
> The difference is, Marxism has been demonstrated to be an abysmal
> failure because it denies everything about the mannishness of man.

No it hasn't.  It hasn't been demonstrated at all.  The Soviet Union and
China (and others) were not marxist states.  Communism has never existed.


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