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RE: Another woman's view on feminism

*snip* Feminism is concerned with social positions.  With women's rights
do what men have the privilege to do and be treated as equals. *snip*

Feminism often beats up on women who disagree with the thought that
men and women are "the same." Equal is one thing, but we are not the
same. Feminists and feminist supporters can be brutal to women who 
choose to live a life that provides support and comfort to a husband and
children. What if a woman chooses to play a supporting role in life? 
Why is that so horrible? Maybe we feel good about ourselves AND we 
don't need feminists to define our roles. Maybe we look to another
to value us.

Perhaps being a part of someone else may give a woman great pleasure. 
The roles we choose in life are often those we most admire in someone
else. Maybe watching our mothers support and comfort an entire family
and raise children to be productive human beings is more pleasure than
most people will ever have the opportunity to know. Maybe there are some
of us who want to be like our mothers.

As a woman, I take great joy in recognizing the differences between the
sexes. I have no desire to stand on the front lines of battle, stand in
ring and punch a woman in the face, carry a 250lb man down fourteen
flights of stairs, or withstand the punishment of a jackhammer. I know
there are women who want to do those things...and to those women
I say "go for it." I would expect them to say the same to me regarding
my choices.

So why can't Mrs. Harrell be who she wants to be? Perhaps she is proud
to be the wife of Mr. John Harrell. Maybe she likes the sound of his
more than she likes her own. Maybe she's built a life that glorifies her
and contributes greatly to a community of people who live to glorify
God.  And maybe her life is far more satisfying as Mrs. Harrell than as
Melissa "whatever her Dad's name is."

*snip* Smashing pedestals so we can all fly on our own *snip*
The love of a good woman is often all it takes to make a man want to
and then he rarely wants to fly on his own.

Lucy Zoe

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