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What next?

This list server is an interesting window into our culture.  I do find
the discussions interesting, although I'm troubled by some of the
rhetoric and (apparent) attempts to censor some members.  Going back to
my earlier comments about the list, though, I wonder how these
discussions relate to a "vision" for Moscow.  The topics are all at
least somewhat related to what kind of community we want Moscow to be,
but I wonder if there should be a closer connection.  Perhaps, then,
members who post could take the next step and make the connection to the
"vision thing" clearer and offer potential paths forward.

For example, let's look at the topic of homosexuality.  Although I
exercised my right to use the delete button, I think I got the thread of
it.  Someone could have posted something along the line of:

"I feel strongly that homosexuals have a right to not be persecuted in
Moscow."  "My vision is of a community where your sexual orientation
isn't an issue in getting a house, teaching in a school, getting a job,
etc." "I'm concerned (rhetorically) that this might not be the case
today in Moscow."

This could provoke numerous points of view, of course, with hopefully an
end result being something concrete that contributes toward a vision for
the community.  For example, one might suggest:

"You know, Moscow should have its own Human Rights Commission."
(perhaps it already does, but this is just an example).

Members could then agree or disagree, but the goal would be to try and
move toward actions that lead to a vision for the community.  And if
someone seriously disagrees with the concept...for example, "My religion
thinks homosexuality is a sin"...rather than debate that viewpoint
beyond a reasonable point, couldn't we say, "You know, Moscow needs a
forum for discussing how we are going to co-exist as a community given
such polarized views."?  Then we could debate how to create such a forum
as a community.

I really do love debate, and I'm a fan of rhetoric, so I do enjoy the
discussions that do occur on the list.  I'm suggesting, though, that it
might be helpful to consider specific actions to get us from the debate
to the creation, and ultimately implementation, of a vision.  Otherwise,
I think our "list server" will continue to be more of a "chat room".


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