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RE: Fed. Judge Declares "Pledge of Allegiance" Unconstitutional

I don't believe "Under God" is unconstitutional and I
would expect that the Supreme Court would overturn the
9th circuit's ruling.  Further, even if the decision
were upheld by the Supreme Court, how long would it
take  for a Constitutional Amendment to sail through
Congress making it constitutional?  Congress is united
on this issue.

Atheists are pretty weak in their convictions if the
mere mention of God in their presence causes them to
go to pieces.  No one will be sent to jail for
remaining silent for the "Under God" phrase when
reciting the pledge.  In fact, students can choose to
remain silent during the entire pledge, if they and/or
their parents are so offended by this exercise in
American patriotism.

Remove "Under God" from the pledge and you might as
well toss out the word "indivisible".  Don't our
courts have anything better to do with their time?


--- Daniel Kronemann <> wrote:
> To all
> Well I guess I must say "Finally someone struck it
> down" if only the
> "under God" part.  Personally I find the entire
> pledge problematic.  I
> wouldn't want my kid taught to "pledge an
> allegiance" to any country over
> another.  Another example of the our hypermasculine
> culture and how it is
> trying to create this "us versus them" mentality.
-- SNIP --

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