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RE: Fed. Judge Declares "Pledge of Allegiance" Unconstitutional

> Your tax dollars HARD at work.

The whole court ruling is ridiculous. 

> My 2 cents:  I'm sure the full pantheon can be addressed 
> collectively as, God.  Kind of like Kleenex.  All facial 
> tissue is Kleenex, the yellow stickies are Post-its, the 
> heavenly host of deities is God.  The Declaration of 
> Independence has something like 4 references to God or 
> Creator, I don't think that piece of paper can't be worng.  
> "The God" and "God" are different.  "God" could be replaced 
> by money if that's your thing or any number of sundry items. 
> "The God" means one and only.  That could be argued as State 
> endorsed religion.

The Supreme Court has ruled that saying prayers to God for the opening
of Congress and prayers during the swearing in ceremony of the President
are perfectly legal.  And those are often done "in Jesus Name" (gasp!)
as opposed to some amorphous god or collective pantheon.

The same has been true about the finding of having chaplains serve in
the military. For instance, Christian chaplains are allowed to pray in
the Name of the Triune God without that being unconstitutional.  And
that's your tax dollars hard at work.

Yes, this ruling will be overturned as well.  But it's a great
distraction from things that matter.


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