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RE: City Council

Mr. Danahy,

I generally just read the list, but I felt your post needed a response.
I am not replying to join in debate (in fact, I do not intend to respond
to any other posts), rather, I am writing to ask the public to take it
down a notch on this issue.  That being said, let me address a couple of
things that prompted my post.

1) You are correct that the city council is mostly male (4 to 2).
However that is neither here nor there.   You imply that male
representatives are incapable of making unbiased decisions for female
constituents. While many reading this list may agree with your
assumption, it does not make it true.  Both men and women vote for
officials to represent their interests.  Women voted for the male
dominated council, just as men did.  Women decided that this council
best represented them, just as the men did.  That is the point of
representative government.  Were the women voting for male
representatives capable of making a decision in their best interests?

It is also important to note, while on this point, that the majority of
the correspondence submitted to me on this issue has been from outraged
mothers.  Where is their opinion fit within your assumption?

2) Your comment regarding the sight of female skin and Burkas being the
next stop appears to me to be inflammatory.  We all know that this is
not about "skin."  Again the assumption here is that if we treat women
different from men in any way, we are some how devaluing them.  We all
know that is not the case.  A similar slippery slope argument (and just
as unhelpful) the other direction might be,  "Why stop at the waistline?
What's next, unisex bathrooms?"  You see, these types of arguments tend
to sensationalize an issue rather then sticking with logical, points.

I encourage people with opinions on the issue to write me with your
concerns on either side of the issue (indeed I have had many comments
already).  If you write, I would only ask that you avoid sensationalism,
and divisive comments.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

John B. Guyer
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Moscow City Council
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

-----Original Message-----
From: John Danahy [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 12:20 PM
To: Vision2020
Subject: City Council

So, a male dominated city council will pass laws requiring women to
cover themselves because the male dominated city council believes that
the site of female skin is indecent?  What next?  Burkas?

John Danahy

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