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RE: City Council

In response to Mr Guyer's following comments:

"Why stop at the waistline?
What's next, unisex bathrooms?"

For your general edification, Mr Guyer, there have been unisex restrooms for
a long time now.

However, I do see your point.  I, too, have been raised to believe that only
men are permitted to be shirtless in public.  However, as public mores
evolve all laws are fair game and will be modified as the public sees fit.

I was a teenager in Los Angeles in the 60s (a decade that ended alot of
America's Puritanical attitudes).  I grew up with two sisters.  If either of
them went to school dressed in the manner as I see so many female students
attending classes here at UI, my parents would never have let them leave the
house.  But, that was the 60s and the beginning of a wide range of
revolutions, or should I say "evolutions" (cultural, political, racial,

I used to be a firm believer in maintaining the status quo, thinking that
anything that has "worked" for several generations is definitely bound to
survive another one or two.  But, lately I have come to believe that
sometimes doing the right thing is simply a matter of accepting change and
believing that it is for the better.

Well, enough said from this recovering Rebublican.

Take care,

Tom Hansen

Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.

- Author Unknown

-----Original Message-----
From: John Danahy []
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 12:20 PM
To: Vision2020
Subject: City Council

So, a male dominated city council will pass laws requiring women to
cover themselves because the male dominated city council believes that
the site of female skin is indecent?  What next?  Burkas?

John Danahy

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