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ORVers: please help our watersheds

Perhaps ORVers should understand why they should not be driving through 
meadows and mud bogs:  This destroys the watershed.

These ecosystems are extremely sensitive.  Not only is the oil that is 
emitted from these vehicles toxic, but the direct physical impact destroys 
what lies beneath.  Perhaps you think this is no big deal, but when the 
cumulative effects of all those who think they have a right to drive where 
they want to is added up, the ecosystem, our watershed, is adversely 
affected.  This means the environment we depend on for healthy living is 

Wild, pristine Nature is crucial for our long-term health.  That seems 
fairly obvious.  It also seems obvious why someone would defend these 
ecosystems from destruction.  This is for everyone's benefit.

It's unfortunate that an ORV would be sabotaged this way.  I definitely 
don't want a stalled ORV to be stuck in a bog leaking it's toxins out.  But 
I definitely don't want these vehicles to be destroying what should be 
considered sacred ground.

So please, ORVers, understand the impact your vehicle is having.  It may be 
fun to splash mud, but you are adding pollution to the water we drink and 
degrading the ecosystem that is vital for countless other criters who have 
the same right to live in a peaceful environment.

I say anyone knowingly and willingly destroying an ecosystem is the real 

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