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RE: Government Schools: Its Real Agenda

Adolf Hitler has had a large amount of influence on our public school
system?  That's interesting.  I was under the impression that the Nazi's
were fascists to a large degree.  There's a word we've heard before.

I'm sure all these quotes are being used in their proper context.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Harrell []
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 9:22 PM
To: vision2020
Subject: Government Schools: Its Real Agenda

What is the purpose of the Government Schools?

According to the following experts, here is what they say is the
purpose of the Government Schools. The purpose of the government
schools seems to be mostly about indoctrination. There is no
tolerance in the system.

(This following list is by no means exhaustive but its purpose
is to paint the picture of the real reason for government schools
by the people how have had, and do have, large amounts of influence
in the government school system.)

- Peter Hoaglund
- Nebraska Senator and Humanist member of the Nebraska Board
  Education, 1983
"Fundamentalists have no right to indoctrinate their children in
their beliefs. We are preparing their children for the year 2000
and life in a global one-world society and those children will
not fit in!

- Kansas Governor's Education Summit
- 1989
"Some people say we are spending more on schools and getting less.
I disagree - what we are doing is taking on more and more in schools
and that will continue... More and more the schools is the cog or
center of all human resource development."

- Dr. John Goodall
- writing a report for the NEA
"Our goal is behavioral change. The majority of our youth still hold
to the values of their parents and if we do not resocialize them to
accept change, our society may decay."

- Adolph Hitler
”Let me control the textbooks and I will control the state. The
state will take youth and give to youth it’s own education and
it’s own upbringing. Your child belongs to us already….what are

- Federal District Judge Melinda Harmon
- Texas
"..parents give up their rights when they drop children off at
public school."

- Dr. W. Pierce
- Harvard University, 1973
”Every 5 year old student is mentally ill, because he comes
to school with allegiance toward elected officials, founding
fathers, institutions, government, patriotism, nationalism
and sovereignty - all of these prove the child is sick because
the well individual is one who has rejected all of these things
and is what I call a true international child of the future”.

- Paul Blanchard
- The Humanist, 1976
"I think that the most important factor moving us toward a
secular society has been the educational factor. Our schools
may not teach Johnny to read properly, but the fact that Johnny
is in school until he is sixteen tends to lead toward the
elimination of religious superstition."

NEA Resolutions Passed at 2000 Convention in Chicago

B-30. Multicultural Education:
The National Education Association believes that multiculturalism
is the process of valuing differences and incorporating the values
identified into behavior for the goal of achieving the common good.
Multicultural education should promote the recognition of individual
and group differences and similarities in order to reduce racism,
ethnic prejudices, and discrimination.

B-31. Global Education:
The Association believes that global education increases respect for
and awareness of the earth and its people. Global education imparts
information about cultures and an appreciation of our interdependency
in sharing the world's resources to meet mutual human needs.

A-15. Financial Support of Public Education:
Funds must be provided for programs to alleviate race, gender, and
sexual orientation discrimination  and to eliminate portrayal of race,
gender, and sexual orientation stereotypes in the public schools.
The Association opposes the use of public revenues for private,
parochial, or other nonpublic pre-K through 12 schools...

A-26. Charter and Nontraditional Public School Options:
The Association believes that when concepts such as charter
schools and other nontraditional school options are proposed,
all affected public education employees must be directly
involved in the design, implementation, and governance of
these programs.

A-27. Deleterious Programs:
The National Education Association believes that the following
programs and practices are detrimental to public education and
must be eliminated: privatization, performance contracting, tax
credits for tuition to private and parochial schools, voucher plans
(or funding formulas that have the same effect as vouchers), planned
program budgeting systems (PPBS), and evaluations by private, profit-
making groups.

A-28. Federally or State-Mandated Choice/Parental Option Plans:
The National Education Association believes that federally or state-
mandated parental option or choice plans compromise the Association's
commitment to free, equitable, universal, and quality public education
for every student.

A-29. Voucher Plans and Tuition Tax Credits:
The National Education Association believes that voucher plans and
tuition tax credits or funding formulas that undermine public education
reduce the support needed to adequately fund public education, and
have the potential for racial, economic, and social segregation of
students. The Association opposes all attempts to establish and/or
implement such plans...

B-67. Home Schooling:
The National Education Association believes that home schooling
programs cannot provide the student with a comprehensive education
experience. When home schooling occurs, students enrolled must meet
all state requirements. Home schooling should be limited to the
children of the immediate family, with all expenses being borne
by the parents/guardians. Instruction should be by persons who are
licensed by the appropriate state education licensure agency, and a
curriculum approved by the state department of education should be
used. The Association also believes that home-schooled students
should not participate in any extracurricular activities in the
public schools."

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