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Agendas for Monday Meetings

Monday, April 15, 2002		                     4:00 p.m.
206 East 3rd Street, Second Floor

1.	 Approval of Minutes of April 1, 2002 - Chris Bainbridge

2.   Grant Offer for Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport - Robb Parish
	Attached is a grant offer from the U.S. Department of
Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration for improvements to the
airport in accordance with an application dated January 18, 2002 for
compensation to the sponsor for a portion of the direct costs associated
with new, additional, or revised security requirements imposed on the
airport operator by the Administrator on or after September 11, 2001.  The
grant offer requires acceptance by the City of Pullman and City of Moscow as
sponsors of the airport, no later than April 27, 2002. 
			Council Consent Agenda Item #1C
	ACTION:  Recommend approval of grant acceptance and authorize
Mayor's signature thereon; or take such other action deemed appropriate.

3.	Declaring Surplus Equipment for Spring Auction - Jackie Lovell
	The Police Department is seeking approval to have the list of items
declared as surplus so that they may be auctioned May 4, 2002 at the Latah
County Fair Building.
			Council Consent Agenda Item #1D
	ACTION:  Recommend declaring the items on the attached list as
surplus and authorize staff to proceed with the auction; or take such other
action deemed appropriate.

4.   Health and Environment Commission Proposed Ordinance Change - Gary J.
	After researching the history of the Health and Environment
Commission, it was determined that although the Commission duties were
updated approximately 1998, there is no record of having officially approved
an ordinance change doing so.  This ordinance will correct that oversight. 
			Council Agenda Item #6
	ACTION:  Recommend approving Ordinance on first reading; or under
suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings and
that it be read by title only; or take such other action deemed appropriate.

REPORTS: 1912 Building, Six-Month Report - Randy Rice

Monday, April 15, 2002 		                               5:00 p.m.
206 East 3rd Street, Second Floor

1.	Approval of Minutes of April 1, 2002 - Chris Bainbridge

2.	Accounts Payable for March, 2002  - Don Palmer

3.	1912 Building Six-Month Report - Randy Rice

4.	1912 Building Phase 2, Change Order #2 - Randy Rice
	Change Order #2 primarily comprises additional fire alarm equipment
required to tie in with equipment installed during Phase I work.  This
change order also adds five days to the contractor's schedule.
		Council Consent Agenda Item #1E
	ACTION:  Recommend approval and authorizing the Mayor's signature
thereon; or take other action deemed appropriate.

5.   	7:30 p.m. Public Hearing, Rezone and Street Right-of-Way Vacation
Request by John Ficca for Property on North Adams Street  - Joel Plaskon
	The applicant is requesting rezoning of a portion of his property at
416 N Adams Street, from Medium Density Residential (R-3) to Multiple Family
Residential (R-4); and is also requesting a vacation of the easterly 10 feet
of North Adams Street right-of-way between "C" and "D" Streets.  On February
27, 2002, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on the
rezone application and recommend denial of the rezone.
			Council Agenda Item #3
	ACTION:  Recommend after council conducts the public hearing: 
		1.	Rezone Ordinance: reject ordinance; or approve
ordinance on first reading, or under suspension of the rules requiring three
complete and separate readings and that it be read by title only.  If rezone
Ordinance is approved, it must be conditioned as detailed in the staff
report and supported by a "Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and
Standards;" or take such other action deemed appropriate.
		2.	Vacation Ordinance: reject street right-of-way
vacation ordinance; or approve ordinance on first reading, or under
suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings and
that it be read by title only.  If vacation ordinance is approved,
right-of-way vacation must be found to be "expedient for the public good;"
or take such other action deemed appropriate.

6. 	SRF Grant Application for Facilities Study - Land Application -
Mark Cook
	City and University staff met during the past several months to
discuss a new land application permit for treated effluent application at
the University.  As the University has been operating without a current
permit during the past several years, the DEQ desires that the University
obtain a current permit.  As a remedy, staff applied for $40,000 in grant
funds from DEQ's SRF program.  The grant specifically evaluates Wastewater
Treatment Plant Upgrades supporting continued land application at the
University of Idaho.  The program requires a 50% match.  If funding is
approved, City and the University will share equally in the grant match

	ACTION:  Direct staff to proceed with draft of a Memorandum of
Understanding with the University regarding the grant application and
associated work plan; and to return that Memorandum of Understanding to
Council once finalized; or take such other action deemed appropriate.

7. 	Presentation of Urban Renewal Agency Annual Report and Accompanying
Financial Audit Report - Gary J. Riedner	
	A copy of Moscow's Urban Renewal Agency's Annual Report for calendar
year 2001 is included for review.  The report has been compiled in
conformance with Idaho Code Section 50-2006 in which an Urban Renewal Agency
is required to file with the local governing body, a report of its
activities for the preceding calendar year.  The report includes a complete
financial statement including a copy of the annual audit. 
			Council Agenda Item #5
	ACTION:  Recommend acceptance of Report and accompanying Annual
Audit; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.
Monday, April 15, 2002		                             7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers, 206 East Third Street, 2nd Floor

1.	Consent Agenda:  Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at
the request of any Councilmember and that item will be considered separately
later.  Approval by roll call vote.

		A.	Approval of Minutes of April 1, 2002 - Chris

		B. 	Approval of Accounts Payable for March 2002 - Don
				Public Works/Finance Committee reviewed
accounts payable for March 2002 and recommends approval of the following:

General	608,525.00	
Parks & Recreation	116,548.77	
1912 Center	66,024.07	
Arts	5,123.01	
Street	65,701.04	
Airport	1,891.00	
Hamilton P&R	40.20	
911	16,535.26	
Water & Sewer	198,739.74	
Sanitation	139,752.87	
Parking	10,378.64	
HUD Reserve	0	
Bond & Interest	0	
WWTP Construction	73,912.90	
LID Construction	20,300.00	
LID Bond & Interest	0	
LID Guaranty	0	
TOTALS	1,323,472.50	

C.	Grant Proposal - FAA - Robb Parish/Gary J. Riedner
				Attached is a grant offer from the U.S.
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration for
improvements to the airport in accordance with an application dated January
18, 2002 for compensation to the sponsor for a portion of the direct costs
associated with new, additional, or revised security requirements imposed on
the airport operator by the Administrator on or after September 11, 2001.
The grant offer requires acceptance by the City of Pullman and City of
Moscow as sponsors of the airport, no later than April 27, 2002. Reviewed by
Administrative Committee April 15, 2002.

				ACTION:  Approve grant acceptance and
authorize Mayor's signature thereon.

	D. 	Surplus Equipment re Spring Auction - Jackie Lovell
				The Police Department is seeking approval to
have the list of items declared as surplus so that they may be auctioned May
4, 2002 at the Latah County Fair Building. Reviewed by Administrative
Committee April 15, 2002.
				ACTION:  Declare the items on the attached
list as surplus and authorize staff to proceed with the auction.

E. 	1912 Building Phase 2, Change Order #2 - Randy Rice
				Change Order #2 primarily comprises
additional fire alarm equipment required to tie in with equipment installed
during Phase I work.  This change order also adds five days to the
contractor's schedule.  Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee April 15,
				ACTION:  Approve change order and authorize
the Mayor's signature thereon.

2. 	Healthy Sleep Presentation - Deborah Nichols
		Deborah Nichols, in conjunction with the National Sleep
Foundation, will give a brief presentation on the Foundation Naming Moscow,
Idaho as a "Healthy Sleep Capital" for Community Sleep Education.

	ACTION:  Accept report.

3.	7:30 p.m. Public Hearing, Rezone and Street Right-of-Way Vacation
Request by John Ficca for Property on North Adams Street  - Joel Plaskon
		The applicant is requesting rezoning of a portion of his
property at 416 N Adams Street, from Medium Density Residential (R-3) to
Multiple Family Residential (R-4); and is also requesting a vacation of the
easterly 10 feet of North Adams Street right-of-way between "C" and "D"
Streets.  On February 27, 2002, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a
public hearing on the rezone application and recommend denial of the rezone.
Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee April 15, 2002.

	ACTION:  After conducting the public hearing: 
		1.	Rezone Ordinance: reject ordinance; or approve
ordinance on first reading, or under suspension of the rules requiring three
complete and separate readings and that it be read by title only.  If rezone
Ordinance is approved, it must be conditioned as detailed in the staff
report and supported by a "Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and
Standards;" or take such other action deemed appropriate.
		2.	Vacation Ordinance: reject street right-of-way
vacation ordinance; or approve ordinance on first reading, or under
suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings and
that it be read by title only.  If vacation ordinance is approved,
right-of-way vacation must be found to be "expedient for the public good;"
or take such other action deemed appropriate.

4.  	Resolution of Intent to Create LID #130 - Dave Klatt
		The City is in receipt of a petition containing more than
93% of the resident property owners.  The preliminary engineering has been
done on the project and that information has been given to the interested
parties.  The L.I.D. still appears to be viable.  Consequently, the first
step in the formation process is to pass the Resolution of Intent to Create
the L.I.D.  This will cause a public hearing to be set for May 6, 2002 at
which time the Council can consider passage of the Ordinance which will
create the L.I.D.   Reviewed by Public Works/Finance February 25, 2001.

		ACTION:  Approve Resolution of Intent to Create L.I.D.;
direct staff to complete public notification and develop ordinance to create
L.I.D.; and set public hearing for 7:30 p.m., May 6, 2002.

5. 	Presentation of Urban Renewal Agency Annual Report and Accompanying
Financial Audit Report 
 - Gary J. Riedner
		A copy of Moscow's Urban Renewal Agency's Annual Report for
calendar year 2001 is included for review.  The report has been compiled in
conformance with Idaho Code Section 50-2006 in which an Urban Renewal Agency
is required to file with the local governing body, a report of its
activities for the preceding calendar year.  The report includes a complete
financial statement including a copy of the annual audit.  Reviewed by
Public Works/Finance Committee April 15, 2002.

		ACTION:  Accept Report and accompanying Annual Audit; or
take such other action deemed appropriate.

6. 	Health and Environment Commission Proposed Ordinance Change - Gary
J. Riedner
		After researching the history of the Health and Environment
Commission, it was determined that although the Commission duties were
updated approximately 1998, there is no record of having officially approved
an ordinance change doing so.  This ordinance will correct that oversight.
Reviewed by Administrative Committee April 15, 2002.

		ACTION:  Recommend approving Ordinance on first reading; or
under suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings
and that it be read by title only; or take such other action deemed

7.	Set Date for Budget Hearings - Don Palmer
		A. 	As per Idaho Code 63-802A, the last day for the city
to notify the county clerk of the date and location of the FY 2003 city
budget hearing shall be not later than April 30, 2002.  The City Council
must adopt a tentative budget and hold a public hearing on the budget by no
later than September 6, 2002.  Staff has prepared a budget schedule which
recommends a date of August 5, 2002.

		ACTION:  Set date and authorize clerk to notify county clerk
of said date and location.

		B. 	As per Idaho Code 63-802A, City Council may at any
time during the current fiscal year, amend the annual appropriation
ordinance.  Pursuant to notice and hearing requirements of section 50-1002,
Idaho Code, staff recommends setting the adjustment hearing date for Budget
Fiscal Year 2002 for June 3, 2002.

		ACTION:  Set date and authorize clerk to prepare appropriate

Mayor's Appointments

	Administrative Committee
	Public Works/Finance Committee
	Other Boards & Commissions

NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special assistance to
accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the City
Clerk, at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so that arrangements may be

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