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Superintendent Search Brochure

For any of you who are interested, the brochure that has 
been sent to prospective superintendent applicants and 
other sites where they might check for open positions is 
now available on the MSD web site  At the 
opening page click "Inside MSD."  At the next screen click 
the red heading titled "Administration" and then the link 
titled "Superintendent Search Brochure."
The brochure is in PDF format.  If you do not have the 
Adobe Acrobat reader and aren't interested in loading it, I 
can send you the text only version by email if you will 
contact me off list.
The brochure is also available for review at the District 
office.  If you know a person who is qualified for the 
position and might be interested in applying, email or call 
me (882-3536), any other board member, or the 
superintendent (882-1120; and we 
will have a brochure mailed to the person.

Mike Curley

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