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How hard would it be...

I have seen alot today about solutions and since I posed so many questions 
about the way the district uses test scores I had a possible solution.
How hard would it be to set up the Jr High like the college? Math 50 -cover 
elementary math, math100 cover 7th grade math, math150 cover 8th grade math 
ect.. And do the same for all classes. Does it really matter if a student gets 
World Geography before World History? As a history major I have to say NO. The 
Jr High offers these courses anyway and if you could test out of a lower level 
move up to an upper level that would be a great motivator. Now granted I don't 
know much about educational structure but I think it would work. How difficult 
would it be to do this? Could you save money by canceling sections that aren't 
needed? Just a thought and I hope no one flames me. I like to think I am both a 
destructionist and a constructionist. But I am not an architect. I am not 
creative enough.

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