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Reply to: school district questions

Reply to Sharon Sullivan's questions:

Question for the school board:

1)  If West Park becomes the Kindergarten only school for
the district, and a child lives in what used to be the West
Park part of town, where do they go to first grade?  Does
the family have a choice between Lena, MacDonald and
Russell, or will assignments be made?
	District attendance lines will have to be redrawn to 
create areas with the approximate number of students a 
building will hold.  Many students each year attend a 
building that is outside the attendance area for their 
residence.  Once a request is made the move is usually 
accommodated if space is available in the appropriate 
classroom at the requested elementary school.

2)  Will there be bus service for the formerly West Park
elementary students to get to the other schools?
	Generally: yes.  Any student who lives, for example, 
west of Hiwy 95 is entitled to be bussed if they must cross 
the highway to get to school.  I believe that some of the 
West Park attendance area may be east of Hiwy 95, so 
there might be a few students who would actually be 
entitled to be bussed this year (to West Park) who would 
not be next year if, for example, Russell were their newly 
designated school.  
	Note that West Park is currently scheduled to bea 
Kindergarten Center only if the levy does not pass.

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