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Re: Moscow Mardi Gras 2002

Dear karrim - you must be new to the Mardi Gras board. 

Since the present Mardi Gras committee will not answer the following 
questions CJ's has chosen to relinquish it's ties to Moscow Mardi Gras. The 
community would like answers to the following questions:

1) Why was the Vice President of Mardi Gras not allowed in the money counting 
room and her feelings were so hurt that she resigned. Yet, non Mardi Gras 
members were allowed in the room?

2) Why does the board continue to spend exorbitant amounts of money on 
unprofitable locations?

3) How come the tickets are not numbered for accounting reasons? I told the 
committee last year was the last year CJ's will be a part of Mardi Gras if 
they cannot provide an accurate accounting of money to tickets. Guess 
what........the tickets were not numbered and no accounting has been 

4) A thorough explanation of why 4,000 plus tickets were printed and if they 
all sold at $10.00 a ticket...... would equal $40,000.00...... and according 
to your last Vision 20/20 post a whopping $7,150.00 would be donated? WOW - 
the bank account must be huge. We would also like to know why Vera's INK 
column says $14,000 would be donated and maybe closer to $20,000. Are we 
still counting money?

5) Where are the funds for the beads sold that were purchased with Mardi Gras 

6) Where are the funds for the door monies collected at each Venue for 
individual Venue sales and "at the door" tickets?

7) While I was on the committee I am well aware of a $15,00.00 T Bill 
purchased. Where is it?

There is plenty more...............but let's start here.


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